Texas Tea Percolator


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Mar 29, 2016
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Traveling through the oil fields of Southern Illinois where I spent the first 6 years of my life and stumbled across this old drilling rig. Mounted on flat bottom barges, they would slide the heavy rigs across the field into place, then stand the rig up. As a small child I remembered these being much bigger, especially in the night when they would light them up like Christmas trees. I guess perspective is everything. LOL The oil boom here started in 1937 when they discovered oil in Marion County. The news spread rapidly as did the wells, by 1940 they were producing upwards of 150 million barrels a year of oil. By the 80's the output started it's decline till today only a few wells remain active. Every now and then they frack a well and pump the accumulated oil, but the days of "gushers" and overnight millionaires is long gone.

May 202120210601_4432.jpg by William Raber, on Flickr
Nice shot and story behind it. All this talk of oil gushers and Texas tea conjures up thoughts and images of the Beverly Hillbillies. I miss Elly May. :guilty:
Nice shot and story behind it. All this talk of oil gushers and Texas tea conjures up thoughts and images of the Beverly Hillbillies. I miss Elly May. :guilty:
I agree with both of your statements, and would think that most male "boomers" do also. :icon_biggrin:

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