The eye of an eagle


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Dec 5, 2012
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Toronto Canada
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What a majestic creature

They are that!!

Personally I'd crop it a lot tighter to get rid of the red text behind the bird:

I have to be honest.... I am little jealous. Ive been trying to get a decent picture of an Eagle for months. I cant get anywhere close enough too. We have them here where I live, but I have almost accepted the fact I am going to have to go to the Zoo to get a picture that's worth a crap. I can hear the freedom in his
One day I plan on going to the zoo just to get some pictures of animals I would never see in the wild, or be able to photograph with my kit lenses. Good thing for me, the National Zoo is pretty good (from what I hear).
They are that!!

Personally I'd crop it a lot tighter to get rid of the red text behind the bird:


Moving from the D7000 to the D7100 has its advantages, not only its MUCH sharper but you get the extra MP so you can crop so much more the picture and still keep all the details.
I love the added crop you added to the picture.
One day I plan on going to the zoo just to get some pictures of animals I would never see in the wild, or be able to photograph with my kit lenses. Good thing for me, the National Zoo is pretty good (from what I hear).

Its not bad, I have plans with the girlfriend to head that way this weekend. Hopefully the weather holds out.
Or this and removing also the green bar above head.Nice shot and sharp.


  • $eagleedit.jpg
    65.7 KB · Views: 92
Or this and removing also the green bar above head.Nice shot and sharp.

Better still! I like that.

Supposed to be nice and cool here this weekend. I think I'll head for our zoo since I haven't been all summer ;)
Thanks scott.

@ goodguy i bet no complaint of noise in that image.The D7100 is looking pretty sweet.
Thanks scott.

@ goodguy i bet no complaint of noise in that image.The D7100 is looking pretty sweet.

As I said in an other post the sharpness in the D7100 in good to medium light is AMAZING.
In my trip to the Rockies I took same picture of an owl in same situation of a person holding the bird and explaining about it.
I took over 20 pictures with the D7000 of the bird and most were crap, some because it was moving and some because the picture didn't focus right, I kept only 4 pictures of the owl that came out well.
I took close to 20 pictures of this eagle with my D7100 and all came perfectly sharp, what a HUGE different between the 2 camera with subjects that were close to the camera.

BTW in both cases I used my trusted and loved 24-86mm VR

Here is a picture of the owl


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