The Testicle Festival - Castell, TX


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Nov 28, 2011
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I'm taking a photography class down in Junction, Texas for the last two weeks of May, and during that time the small hill country town of Castell held their Testicle Festival (rocky mountain oysters/calf fries) so we decided to drop by and mingle with the colorful people. They were colorful indeed.

Also; Castell is known for a rooster that would hump the Billy Bass singing fish. Youtube it. I can't make this up lol.










And finally, a photo that kind of ties everything together.

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I think I like #5 the best ... or maybe #6 ... or maybe #8 ...

MAN! You captured some cracking expressions! :D :thumbup: food shots?!

great expressions though
Really nice set.

Love the personalities in #s 1-5. Can almost recall all the memories hanging out with my grandpa and all his friends when I spent the summer working for him on his farm.

Fantastic eyes in #7 and #8.

Give me some testicles.
#7 is a shockingly good picture. And not entirely because it has a pretty girl of indeterminate age in it.

The rest are mostly pretty decent photographs, mostly of a specific "type" which I don't find *super* interesting. They're funny-lookin' people, lookin' funny. It's a thing, it's real, there's nothing wrong with it and it's a solid part of a journalistic approach to this sort of thing.

#7 is a *photograph*. You could hang that. You could sell perfume with that. There's a lot of stuff you could do with it, because it is awesome.
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#7 is a shockingly good picture. And not entirely because it has a pretty girl of indeterminate age in it.

The rest are mostly pretty decent photographs, mostly of a specific "type" which I don't find *super* interesting. They're funny-lookin' people, lookin' funny. It's a thing, it's real, there's nothing wrong with it and it's a solid part of a journalistic approach to this sort of thing.

#7 is a *photograph*. You could hang that. You could sell perfume with that. There's a lot of stuff you could do with it, because it is awesome.

The split lighting in #7 is beautiful.
I love #7. The lady #4 must be a real character. Great captures of expressions on all.

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