These are pretty fun. I think 4 is the nicest one from the set. You said C&C is welcome, so I thought I would share some thoughts I would have had if I were shooting these. It's all taste though and I'm not an expert, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.
On 1-3 I feel like there's a lot of splash going on. Especially when I see 2 different color hotspots on the back cushion which looks unnatural to me. I'd be very tempted to work to get rid of those hotspots as much as possible. Grids, barn doors/flags, feathering, gobo, snoot... whatever I have to do. And on a lesser note, I'd be looking in my bag for a gel to correct the difference between the two light sources. The highlight in the seam to the left of the dogs head bothers me in 1 and 3, and the spot of wall in 3 as well.
4. I like the framing on this one. It creates a cool contrasting frame of color around the dog that has a little bit of echo in color tones between the dogs fur and the wall. There isn't a huge amount of interest in the dogs expression or pose, so I think having a little more room around it works. I really want to figure out if I can get that hotspot gone from the back cushion, again... I want to make the color of the wall to pop a little more, and I want to figure out how to make that shadow gone on the left of the chair without destroying all the texture in the wall... it might not work for the image but I'd still want to try it for a frame or two. And maybe I would back up just a little bit to get a little more of the yellow into the left to even up the framing effect, and place the dog more firmly in the fourth quadrant.
5. This is too far away, for me, and the dog is in an awkward place in the frame. The extra detail in the wall and chair adds nothing to the frame, in my opinion... and the extra lines and colors destroy the color play you found in number 4, and the framing effect. I think this framing would only work for me if the dog were looking a little more kinetic, maybe standing up, jumping, or more straight on and hyper focused on something with separation of the legs from the body so there needs to be a little more room in the bottom of the frame for him to move into in the gesture.
What do you think? What are your thoughts on the set?