To the mountains....IR.


TPF Noob!
Aug 31, 2007
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Avoca Beach, NSW, Australia.
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Wow, that's really interesting, dont' know how I feel about the road or wires, but it's still beautiful.
Wow, that's really interesting, dont' know how I feel about the road or wires, but it's still beautiful.

Thanks....I also had some mixed feelings about the wires but then I think they fit with the context of the photo. Mostly what appealed to me about the scene was the persepective from road levle, the shape of the large cloud and the shadow area it created, making a kind of separation across the horizon. Then there's the retreating snow and although you can't see it in this frame, the field to the right is being prepared for cultivation...I took a shot that I'll post in different thread.
Nice image, Roger.
I think I would take out all the poles except those in a row down the left side(viewing).
Just a personal thing, but, I find the toning a wee bit strong, especially for an Ir image. I sort of like those blacks in the sky to be just
Well done, a nice shot.
I like the poles following the road -- the poles in the distance less so. Those are just distracting, while the foreground poles do a good job of leading your eye into it.
I love it! I think I'd like to see it with a blue sky and full color

thank you....why do you need to see it in colour, it is an infrared image....okay I could do a false colour version, but I don't think that's what you mean.

Nice image, Roger.
I think I would take out all the poles except those in a row down the left side(viewing).
Just a personal thing, but, I find the toning a wee bit strong, especially for an Ir image. I sort of like those blacks in the sky to be just
Well done, a nice shot.

thanks for your thoughts SympL.

I like the poles following the road -- the poles in the distance less so. Those are just distracting, while the foreground poles do a good job of leading your eye into it.

thank you.
The poles and wires add perspective. How would it look if you cropped just to the left of the large pole on the left? It would then frame the picture a bit. I think the large pole to the left is okay, though. But would have to see it removed to make a final judgment.

Great image!
WOW! I really like this picture. at first I didn't like the poles but now I think they are ok. Shots like this really make me want to get a R72 filter
The poles and wires add perspective. How would it look if you cropped just to the left of the large pole on the left? It would then frame the picture a bit. I think the large pole to the left is okay, though. But would have to see it removed to make a final judgment.

Great image!

thanks for your comments....I prefer the pole where it is, the light on this side of it works for me compositionally.

WOW! I really like this picture. at first I didn't like the poles but now I think they are ok. Shots like this really make me want to get a R72 filter

thanks very much.....def worth a play with the R72.

it's more than perfect shot!

thanks a lot :D.
I also like this one. It reminds me of scenes you can get without infrared in the American west during winter.
I also like this one. It reminds me of scenes you can get without infrared in the American west during winter.

thanks a lot, I did think of route 66 when I shot this as I have a fascination with doing that road.

I like this pic, just the way it is. Poles or no poles.

thank you very much.

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