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Feb 13, 2024
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Couple of shots of a wild turkey in Ottawa.

R7_D7465 Wild Turkey.webp

R7_D7485 Wild Turkey.webp
Very nice! We have them here, but I can't get out of bed early enough anymore to go find them. They actually come into the neighborhood, probably to get away from the coyotes and bobcats.
At least he's safe on this side of the border till Christmas. Hopefully he's already booked that mid-December cruise...
Very nice! We have them here, but I can't get out of bed early enough anymore to go find them. They actually come into the neighborhood, probably to get away from the coyotes and bobcats.
Here in the Ottawa area there are quite a few, enough to become a nuisance. They are found in the Green Belt and at Mud Lake, which is a wild area within the city. They are habituated to people and can get aggressive if they see you with food. Of course they are themselves food, but I think they are protected.

We have coyotes too; not sure how the turkeys manage with them.
During most of 10 months out of the year we can have anywhere from a single to 12+ in our front yard. When hunting season opens in the spring they disappear for two months!
Nice shots! Looks delicious!

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