Undecided yet again


TPF Noob!
Nov 13, 2016
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I returned my 70-300mm 11 looking for more of a general purpose every day lens. I dont really need a lens for distance, after talking with salesman explaining I'm interested in lens for cookouts, get- togethers, mainly people just hanging out, I ordered the ef 200mm f/2.8 11. As I'm driving home I started thinking that's not what I want as its a fixed lens at 200mm, the only shots of friends and family I'd be getting is from another room?? Any suggestions? I have a wide angle 10-22 that I can use for group photos and landscape, and the 50mm for portrait, I'm just hoping to find one on between those 2, around $800.???
The 85mm f1.2L even used would be way above the OP's budget. The Sigma 85 f1.4 Art lens however would not be.
Go with 85mm. It is really all you need. You are able to move around and look from different angles and stuffs. Of course u could do that from anything. Anyway?

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