

TPF Noob!
Jul 15, 2008
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Ontario, Canada
Can others edit my Photos
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Please enjoy.
Very nice.
may i ask where the taurs actually lead..
So (reverse engineering moment for a second) took a picture of a cylindrical object, used the distortion characteristics of the lens, which I'm guessing were minimal, and perspective (or post? but I doubt that?) to give the stairs an almost straight appearance as though they're going up a flat wall, and the curvature of the cylinder and the lighting direction to produce the disparate size in the shadows?

Artistic and technically impressive even if I'm way off base.
I smell the fuel oil and hear the pumps in this shot. Well done :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:
very nice, i really like how the shadow gets longer as the stairs get higher
So (reverse engineering moment for a second) took a picture of a cylindrical object, used the distortion characteristics of the lens, which I'm guessing were minimal, and perspective (or post? but I doubt that?) to give the stairs an almost straight appearance as though they're going up a flat wall, and the curvature of the cylinder and the lighting direction to produce the disparate size in the shadows?

Artistic and technically impressive even if I'm way off base.
Actually, that is quite accurate, rufus. I did however have to make a slight perspective correction to one side of the image in post.
TCimages, DeadEye and keybq thankyou for your comments, much appreciated.
How come I have not seen this photo before?
I was really missing out on something!
Glad to have found it at last!

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