THIS IS AN EXCELLENT video for people who would like to understand how the principles of design actually work in photographs. He early examples are all good ones, and the "bad examples" he shows are also quite instructive, especially the lousy Gary Winogrand shot of the legless man on the street in amongst the crowd.
I spent a year in college taking The History of Art, and attended lectures just like his talk three times a week for a year. His focus on design principles could have benefitted from actually stating,in clear,plain language terms, that he was discussing principles of design in his discussions of photographic composition. However, he didn't do that. But nevertheless, this is an EXCELLENT video that should be watched by many people who would like to understand some of the time-honored principles that underly composition.
If you have never taken an art class, or if you have never studied composition, watching this one video will probably be worth more than watching a HUNDRED crappy YouTube videos made by newbies who have no background at all in the fine arts. This video is indeed "so so good".