Why it is preferred to use a white background?


TPF Noob!
Feb 16, 2016
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Hi, I have seen many setups that use white as the background color. I read that white color could bounce the light off from the light blubs to the object to reduce shadow. Is that the reason? What is the problem of using other color as the background color? If I want to have photos of objects with a blue background, shall I use blue or just white and then photoshop?
Because like the cowboys white is for the good guys.

Hi, I have seen many setups that use white as the background color. I read that white color could bounce the light off from the light blubs to the object to reduce shadow. Is that the reason? What is the problem of using other color as the background color? If I want to have photos of objects with a blue background, shall I use blue or just white and then photoshop?
Artistically, the background color should either compliment or contrast with the subject, and is the choice of the artist. Blue on blue would not be my choice, but perhaps an orange background for contrast or some neutral color, such as white or gray. Since I don't use photoshop, I wouldn't know exactly how to do some odd color, but some people will even use a photo green for the shoot, and then PS some other color in later.
You have to be careful with some colors, such as green. If the background has a lot of light on it then it could cast it's color on the main subject. If you cast white on the main subject, well, alls good. If your skin on a person looks green, then you have a problem.

The key is the white background is not a highly reflective white.
And you shouldn't be using a direct lightbulb to light something. That light needs to be diffused (shoot through umbrellas are okay, reflective umbrellas better, Brollys - reflective with diffuser even better; as you get more and more complex.

The diffusion doesn't allow a direct light but scatters it. The more diffusion, the better.
there's a newer version than this==> http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0240812255?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00

you can also Gel a background (blue, green, what ever color) when you use a background strobe/flash. A normal setup for a person has a Key, Fill, Hair, background lights which vary in intensity (or use of reflectors, etc).

If we had a better idea of your setup and purpose with some examples we could help more.

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