Wild Turkey Food


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Apr 14, 2009
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Very cool. That first one is really an image worth looking at. Captures a moment and perspective that people normally glance over. Image 1 holds my eye, the detail, color, textures are really interesting.
Nice detail, really like #1
Very nice set. Picture #1 is just a little to tight as you clipped off the rear portion. Still a nice image. Picture #3 is just a great image, with personality.
Very cool. That first one is really an image worth looking at. Captures a moment and perspective that people normally glance over. Image 1 holds my eye, the detail, color, textures are really interesting.
Thank You for the kind comments

Nice detail, really like #1
Thank you too

Very nice set. Picture #1 is just a little to tight as you clipped off the rear portion. Still a nice image. Picture #3 is just a great image, with personality.
I appreciate Your critique . I struggled on the crop with the first photo ,I did feel like it was the strongest in the set , but when i cropped larger ,I lost some of the impact of the textures , plus I clipped some of the tail when I took the shot ,so this is kind-of my try at saving the shot . I did think about cropping in front of the back legs , seemed like I gained more texture but lost the "Hopper " . oh well just my explanation , not an excuse . thanks for your and everyones thoughts .

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