With the right shoes anyone can conquer the world


TPF Noob!
May 10, 2012
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit


  • $image-3441499155.webp
    51 KB · Views: 143
Err...Buckster, I *think* that's kinda the point of this thread...she said she "wants to see your shots."

I THINK she is wanting to start a thread of shoe photos...otherwise, 2Wheel and I are both mistaken, but I'm sure 2Wheel would not have just hijacked her thread otherwise.
We'll let the OP tell us if that's what she had in mind or not.

OP--cute shot; but I do wish the shoe on the right side wasn't clipped off.

I'll just stay in the peanut gallery for this thread rather than contribute a photo--all my shoes look even worse than my photos! :lol:
cgipson1 said:
She did say:

So I don't understand? Or am I missing /SARCASM or something? :)

Don't worry about it guys, I'm just a teenager, I know my shot isn't very good :) I'm just looking for some tips!
Why is this in the macro section? Those shoes are gazzilion size bigger than the camera sensor.
Schwettylens said:
Why is this in the macro section? Those shoes are gazzilion size bigger than the camera sensor.

I didn't mean to post it here! Sorry, I'll move it to the gallery section?
A Mod can move this to the Themed section.


Opps, this probably isn't what the OP had in mind. Let's see, how about.....



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