Woot first post -- ahem I mean some moth macros :)


hmm I recognise this place! And some of you!
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May 1, 2008
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Can others edit my Photos
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*breaks in the new macro section* :)


Photo stack of 5 images taken handheld; amazingly even with slight wabble and a frame lost due to flash recharge times, the sofware still lined the images up well And all I lost was a little bit of the shot on the left side. Its possible to get handheld stacks, but it puts a lot of pressure on the flash to keep on shooting. Interestingly for this one due to my limited space I actually had the flash mounted on the tripod rather than the camera.

Settings for each shot - f13, ISO 200, 1/200sec
Gear used: Canon 400D, Sigma 150mm macro, 1.4 Teleconverter, 580M2 and lumiquest softbox

software used CombineZM


Photostack of 15 images taken on a tripod setup with focusing rail.

Settings for each shot - f13, ISO 200, 1/200sec
Gear used: Canon 400D, Sigma 150mm macro, 1.4 Teleconverter, 580M2 and lumiquest softbox. Tripod, focusing rail and manfrotto junior geard head used.

software used CombineZM

This was taken in more controled settings with a small tray of stuff to put the moth on and a full tripod setup holding the camera, though after the first series I am now starting to get a wanting for a tripod for my flash - the 580M2 is very good, but when holding it out at length over the bug it does start to get very heavy on the arms. Also this moth appeared to have Lice! Something that messed up 2 full stacks of shots of him as the lice would crawl over the furrs - I picked them off when I could but it was a right pain :(

Any comments/crits welcome - thank you
2nd one looks like some alien behe-moth :mrgreen:
woot! congrats on the first post, hehe. The first image looks incredible, velvety almost lol
moths are ugly......nice photos
Wow and they live on earth ! Some great shots. Ugly things though !
Moths are the one insect that I am terribly afraid of...creep me out! You can never tell where they are going to hit you in the face, fluttering around like kamikaze pilots.

Nice macro though!
Amazingly detailed shots there!
UGLY as hell though :P Like alien mammoths... awesome

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