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Jun 25, 2023
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Outstanding shot! Am I correct in assuming this done using your macro diffuser? Lighting seems to be spot on, to my eye anyway.

Outstanding shot! Am I correct in assuming this done using your macro diffuser? Lighting seems to be spot on,

Outstanding shot! Am I correct in assuming this done using your macro diffuser? Lighting seems to be spot on, to my eye anyway.
That is correct, block out any direct sunlight by standing with your back to it, the flash was set on manual mode at 1/32 nd power, you will need to take a test shot or two to get the right exposure...
View attachment 274339

That is correct, block out any direct sunlight by standing with your back to it, the flash was set on manual mode at 1/32 nd power, you will need to take a test shot or two to get the right exposure...
this fly was taken using the same method, cloudy overcast days are your friend


  • _DSC3460-01.jpeg
    377.9 KB · Views: 1
this fly was taken using the same method, cloudy overcast days are your friend
macro can be frustrating, expect a low keeper rate at first but stick at it you will improve , practice, practice, practice, start at home , find something small in your junk draw ( everybody has a junk draw right?) set your iso to 200 , sync speed for flash 1/200 depending on camera and and for dof look at f/7 to f/11 , stopping down helps with the paper thin dof that you are working with ,again dependant on censor size...hope this helps
View attachment 274339

That is correct, block out any direct sunlight by standing with your back to it, the flash was set on manual mode at 1/32 nd power, you will need to take a test shot or two to get the right exposure...

this fly was taken using the same method, cloudy overcast days are your friend

macro can be frustrating, expect a low keeper rate at first but stick at it you will improve , practice, practice, practice, start at home , find something small in your junk draw ( everybody has a junk draw right?) set your iso to 200 , sync speed for flash 1/200 depending on camera and and for dof look at f/7 to f/11 , stopping down helps with the paper thin dof that you are working with ,again dependant on censor size...hope this helps.

Thanks for all this excellent advice. That fly shot is pretty impressive. I'll be ordering a diffuser soon. Appreciate your help.

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