1st attempt at night...C &C please


TPF Noob!
Dec 16, 2008
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Here's my first attempt at night time shot. Suggestions, criticisms welcome :)

Nikon D3000
Can you tell us the lens and settings that you were using so we can help you out more?
What are you trying to capture in the image? going by focus, I'd say the sign in the foreground. If it's the car's light trails from the lights, then I think they are lost on the photo's horizon. Sorry, but without a clear subject in this image it's a little confusing.
DX 18-55mm Nikkor lens
I had my camera in Night Portrait Mode using the flash. I was attempting to blur the passing car lights....but everything else in the distance also ended up out of focus. Im very new (obviously) at this, but any suggestions would be great! I want to get to the point where I know how to manually set all the settings for each shot, and not rely on auto modes.
I suggest a better tripod, from a technical point of view, and then from an aesthetic point of view, as bcshort stated, try presenting us with something specific as a subject, and include what needs to be included to support the presentation of that subject. Just as in daylight photography, you need to consider some basic design elements in order to have impact.

- Randy
ok thank you for the advice. I will post up a day time shot in a few moments for C & C also.
Here are my first attempts at daytime shots with my D3000.


damn, I guess my pics suck bad enough that nobody will comment on them, hah;)
That first daytime one looks a little flat. Try going down to F22 and getting everything in focus, or down to F3.5 and select one element to have in focus in the photo.

I like the composition though.

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