4 From the Beach on the Weekend, C&C Welcome.


TPF Noob!
Oct 15, 2008
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Hey again guys, still a noob here, and I really love waterscapes. Any C&C on these few are welcome. Shot with a D90, 18-200mm lens @f/22, etc etc. Sorry there's no EXIF, they're single RAW HDRs.





I know there's a shadow on the last one, but I can't be bothered didging/cloning i out as it would take sooo long to do right.

Thanks for stopping by.
Wow. Nice work, I love HDR, gotta get CS3 so I can get me some-o-that HDR too!

Maybe you could do a bit of a vignette on that last one. It would make it so that the shadow would be indistinguishable as the shadow of a person.
I love all of them, the darkness is really cool looking. In the second one the only thing I see is that the woman is a bit blurred and the third has a red spot near the bottom right that you could probably do away with in PS. Other than that, I really like them all, especially the first and last ones.
As I look at your photo, I feel like I am in a dream sequence. They are so smooth and composition is great. IMO I would brighten them up a tad, but that's just me :)
Thankyou so much for the kind words guys!
Zen: Thanks heaps, and yeah that's a good idea, I think I'll give it a try. Also, Photomatix is probably most versatile for HDR, with the best tonemapping imo.

vlad: Thankyou and yeah, the blurred person is cos it was a 45+second exposure, I may or may not clone them out. The burn on the bottom of #3 I couldn't really be bothered taking out at the time, and I think it makes the photo less boring.

Eryn: Thankyou so much, I appreciate it!

El2: Thankyou so much, I'm really glad you like. Yeah I honsetly cant gauge brightness cos my monitor is calibrated really badly, but I'll make sure to fix the photos before getting prints:p.

Thanks again everyone!
Those are some very amazing pictures. The sky in every picture is incredible. #4 is my favorite though by far.
1) Nice HDR, but I find the shutter speed in between too fast and slow. The clouds aren't frozen and they're not all misty, so for me the sky just makes me feel a little uneasy.

2)Best by far, really nice capture. Shame about the people on the pier, consider cloning them out, and I'd clone out that mark (cloud?) at the top as well. The horizon is quite centred but I find that the pier breaks it up enough that that's no problem at all.

3) Not as interesting as the others, but still not bad at all. Got a funny red shadow sneaking in there...

4) Again a really great shot, I wouldn't try to clone it out, I'd corp an inch off the left and bottom. I think that would put the fisherman in a better spot as well.
I told myself I really liked the first one, but when I saw the second, I just said wow.

I really like the composition. Normally I like it when theres more cloud, but this one had enough. My only beef is the black little spot in the left edge.

I like the last one too, but the 3rd one was kinda bleh. The red glare or whatever that is is too distracting.
Wow, great work. Ive been trying to process good HDR pieces, but I haven't really got the results I was hoping for. Is there a trick to getting, good HDR pieces like your, or does it just take practice.
wow these are very nice. i need to learn how to do this
Awesome work, but I love the feel of #4. You can feel the texture.
It's awesome! I love all of them especially the last one. Great job!
What do you mean by "single hdr"? (Humour me, I'm a noob.)

I like the vignette idea for 4, and but the red light in bottom right of 3 is distracting.
lostep thankyou, I appreciate that you think they're good. I use AdobeRAW to get a +1, -1 and 0 E.V. exposure for the photos, then blend them in Photomatix. It's actually really easy.

Harmony, a single RAW HDR is and HDR from 1 shot, rather than taking 2 or more at different exposures. You then use your editing programs to change the exposure.

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