50mm week


TPF Noob!
Jul 19, 2011
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Houston, TX
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We have been talked about 50mm prime lenses all the time. I have heard nothing but good things about them. I got myself a Nikon 50mm F1.4 two month ago. I don't see/find any thread here specific for pictures taken by 50mm lenses? Some member in the Nikon len thread mentioned about starting a thread "50mm week ".
I would like to start this thread, so that we can take and post some of our favorite nifty pictures. I believe this will help us noobs a lot.
you mean 50mm on a standard digital, or a full frame 'real' 50mm (and I think 35mm is the standard digital equivalent?)
fjrabon said:
you mean 50mm on a standard digital, or a full frame 'real' 50mm (and I think 35mm is the standard digital equivalent?)

50mm lens - doesn't matter its on a cropped sensor or full frame.
Originally Posted by fjrabon
you mean 50mm on a standard digital, or a full frame 'real' 50mm (and I think 35mm is the standard digital equivalent?)
50mm lens - doesn't matter its on a cropped sensor or full frame.

:thumbup: and any brand
i got a canon 50mm 1.4 at one point, and honestly it wasn't as sharp as my 18-135 lens that came with the camera... i was really disappointed
Well, this is an awful lot of discussion and no photos, so I'll start:

I took this walking past our local Occupy movement in Burlington one night. Zeiss 50/2.0 Makro-Planar @ f/2.0, Canon 60D @ 1/25, ISO6400


This one is much better evidence of how sharp this lens really is, since it doesn't involve a stupidly slow shutter.

Zeiss 50/2.0 Makro-Planar @ f/3.5, 60D @ 1/160, ISO160


This thread: me likey.

I'll be having in my hands the Canon 50 mm f/1.4 in 2 weeks. I can join in this thread and post some pics soon. I've heard great comments/reviews about this prime lens.
analog.universe said:
This one is much better evidence of how sharp this lens really is, since it doesn't involve a stupidly slow shutter.

Zeiss 50/2.0 Makro-Planar @ f/3.5, 60D @ 1/160, ISO160


Awesome detail and clarity on this dog pic.

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