A beginer's shot, please C&C. Thank you.


TPF Noob!
Mar 14, 2009
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Focal length:18mm
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cool! i've always wanted to do this but i've never been able to get the subway station all clear. done well but not keeping my attention D:
Nice capture! Too bad there wasn't anybody waiting on the platform.

Scroll down to the third shot on this web page.
it's a really good shot....as Samanax says, someone on the platform to give it that contrast would top it off nicely.
Thank you for your suggestion. Do you think this one is better?
This is the original one and i cropped it.
i would have used a wider angle and gotten closer to the train and shot down the tracks more but thats just me, and I like 2nd one better.

PS: I would resize before posting onling for several reasons including that if you do it while in PP it will be better quality. Thats why I output all my photos from LR to a maximum lenght of 500 pixles for online.
i would have used a wider angle and gotten closer to the train and shot down the tracks more but thats just me, and I like 2nd one better.

PS: I would resize before posting onling for several reasons including that if you do it while in PP it will be better quality. Thats why I output all my photos from LR to a maximum lenght of 500 pixles for online.

Thanks for your suggestion. what are PP and LR?
yeah i think the second one is better. just gives it that extra bit of interest in the shot. good job.

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