A bit of bad news....


TPF Noob!
Mar 22, 2005
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Coming to you live from Planet MAXXUM, home of the
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followed by a bigger bit of good news.

I won't be on the forum for the next 13-15 days. I'll be traveling.

Now for the good news, my tour is up!!!! I am leaving Iraq and headed for home. It will take about 15 days for all the travel time and out processing, but then I'll be HOME!!!!!!!!! I know I haven't posted many pics since joining, but I hope that will change once I get home. You guys have been so great since I joined and I just wanted to say thank you to everyone here for helping to make the days a little easier, so THANKS!!!!

Chase, I'll post a pic of the tee shirt once I'm home, thanks again.
THAT'S GREAT NEWS!!!! I knew you had mentioned you should be going home soon...AWESOME! CONGRATS! We'll miss ya around here though! :)
Congrats man. You wanna go an Intelligence Analysis & Processing Conference in Maryland while you're home?
Congrats!! :thumbup: So happy you're coming home. :D Glad you made it through safely.

I'm looking forward to the tee shirt pic. I take it you'll model it for us? ;)
kelox said:
corry, thanks, i'll miss you guys as well.
bace, i'd love to go to one, as strange as it sounds-i love my job in the military.
thanks terri, i sure will. i know you've been dying for a reason to ask me that!!!!!!!
A bit of an overstatement, but gotta keep the troops happy. ;)
wow! I'm so happy your going back HOME!!!! take care during the trip!!!
kelox said:
corry, thanks, i'll miss you guys as well.
bace, i'd love to go to one, as strange as it sounds-i love my job in the military.
thanks terri, i sure will. i know you've been dying for a reason to ask me that!!!!!!!

It'll cost ya.

Unless you can get your entire company to attend. Then I can get you guys a group rate.

Or maybe some free workshops.
Have safe travels and we look forwarding to hearing from you when you're home :thumbsup:
thank God! i am so glad your coming home..safely...we will keep praying till your back..

every time i read your name, i pray for your safety...and will continue..

great work kelox, we have loved having you on the board, and we look forward to talking to you when you get home!!!!!!!
WOOT! home bound! hell yes! Safe travels K!!

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