A Fall to Remember


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Jun 11, 2009
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Bay Area
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Did a mini-shoot for a family with natural light. The session only lasted about 25 minutes and I wanted to share what they chose for the single high resolution they get from the package. Please feel free to comment or critique as they haven't received it yet :D

Great camera angle! I like the shot, but I wonder how it might look with a bit different color toning--there;'s just something about the toning that's not quite right to my eyes. I wonder how it would look with a slightly more natural look OR a more-radically altered look.

One of the nice things is the body position on the mom and the dad, as well as the kid's feet; the parents' outside and inside feet are in perfect complimentary position, with the all-important "heel lift"; without heel lift, people shown walking in photos look awkward or stiff and lifeless.

I know it is a minor nit, but you know, on the tree visible above the little girls' head/dad's shoulder area at 1 o'clock in the background is a small, black spot on the tree: I would definitely clone that black spot OUT. I might also consider cropping off maybe a very small amount at the top of the frame, just to see if it looks a bit better, playing against the out of focus foreground and low angle you chose.

I often look at photos for deeper,symbolic meaning and you know, this photo, from foreground to background has ONE repeating theme and element,and that is the presence of the support braces that guide the young trees; the parents in this case, supporting their young "sapling". There are six or so of those tree supports throughout the photo,and on a fine photo like this one, one that will probably be proudly on display for a few decades, I think the parents will look at the photo a lot of times, as will that little girl, and maybe they'll see the connection between the tree supports and the guidance of the parental hands. Since this is A Fall To Remember, I think you ought to tell them about the tree braces...just plant the seed.
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Derrel I love your idea about cropping a little bit of the headspace. I'm working on it as we speak...

Regarding the colour toning I wanted a fall look so I added a warmer brownish finish to it. I'll see what I can come up with.
very nice picture! how about another shot showing their faces?
Slight crop from the bottom, crop from the right to the edge of the bench, maybe take a look at it that way, puts more emphasis on the family.
Photo is tilted to the right.
Nice idea, nice photo.
What a cracking camera angle - colour has an early 80's kodak film look.
Thanks for the comments everyone!

Slight crop from the bottom, crop from the right to the edge of the bench, maybe take a look at it that way, puts more emphasis on the family.
Photo is tilted to the right.
Nice idea, nice photo.

The thing is if I crop that much it will alter the composition tremendously. This is the one shot that they chose to be included in the mini shoot package so changing it might hinder that. Thanks for the comments and the critique. Your suggestion is very valid.
Wow these are great! I loved to look through them i am sure that they will love them that little girl is so pretty! I also love the first one of them walking away from the camera!
Bravo, it's all beautiful! Thank you for sharing

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