A golden dancer

the changoman

TPF Noob!
Jun 24, 2008
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Los Angeles
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I took this at California Disney, it was on stage so I couldn't use a flash to brighten up her face. What do you think? Thanks for looking.


see more at http://laphotog.zenfolio.com/
I think using flash would have ruined the shot. Sure, her face is a little dark, but flash would have killed the flowing movement of the dress, the people in the back would have been lost in darkness from drop-off, and the yellow stage light on the right side of her face would be gone.
I agree, this photo isn't really about the dancer's face and therefore it doesn't need to be any brighter, it's more about the dress and the movement - great as it is!
Cool, thank you. It's true, I'd rather have the movement and transparency of the dress that the proper exposure on her face. Good stuff...:thumbup:
I agree with the others. (bold stance!):lol:
Perfect speed. Well done.
All's been said: the "golden" aspect would have all gone, had you used flash. As would have done the feeling of movement, of DANCING as such, you'd have frozen her. Sure, her face is a bit dark. But it is in focus, despite the captured motion, which counts most (to my mind), and all in all the stage lights as your only light source were what they eyes saw, too. And I like that atmosphere represented in the photo. Reminds me of this_photo_of_mine :D.

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