A night at the Beach


TPF Noob!
Aug 1, 2005
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so here is some photos i shot last saturday at South Haven on Lake Michigan. i went with a couple of friends to watch the sun set and take some pictures. the second roll of film was my first roll of slide film (fugi velvia 100) i really liked how it turned out, but unfortunatly, i had to take a picture of the projection to get it on line. im probably breaking some rules of decency by doing that :confused: but i wanted to share since they were quite pretty. and once again sorry the quality is so $****y but i really wanted to put them up because the origionals i think are good.
so here they are.
all shot with my Pentax MX, i used mainly my 80-200mm zoom with a polarizer. one shot i used a doubler so it was taken at 400mm.
the first two pictures are on Fugi Reala 100 and the rest are on Fugi Velvia 100, all of the pictures with the sun were taken around f/32 1/1000. the one of the light house was f/8 6 seconds.
and let me know what you think about the sig? what color works best?


my friend taking a very long shot of Jagermeister.

admiring the sunset

my other photographer friend taking a break from shooting to admire the sunset

the sun behind a small waterfall

the sun

the lighthouse
If these were digital shots, I'd have to slap your wrists for the over saturated reds. :lol: I'll believe Fuji slide film, though, that stuff is a trip.

The image of the Jager shot is classic! :thumbup: Really like that silhouette.

That big ball of sun is pretty kicking, too. Nice series!
thanks :)

i had to do some correcting in photoimpressions on saturation levels because my digital camera washed out almost all the images when i was taking pictures of the slides, even on the slide the sun was burning out on my digital. but im fairly sure im as close to the actual slides as i could get :)
most of those pics were as the sun was setting or within 50 minutes of the sun setting. pollution also makes sun sets more red...the sky was actually more of a Red Purple then red, but i think some of the red is from the lovely velvia film
I missed this one? Good 'ole South Haven. I myself have fallen prey to being one of those many people who line up to take photos of the lighthouse at night and often wonder what the images captured by others reveal. I love it; there's nothing like a South Haven sunset after you've been away from it for so long.
fightheheathens said:
most of those pics were as the sun was setting or within 50 minutes of the sun setting. pollution also makes sun sets more red...the sky was actually more of a Red Purple then red, but i think some of the red is from the lovely velvia film

Pollution? since when does pollution make the sky red? :S Don't know who fed you that one...

Why the sky appears red at sunset:

Far on the horizon, to the West, it is daylight. The distant clouds and dust create a diffuse white glow with all wavelengths of light. As the daylight travels east toward your eye, the blue hues are scattered toward to ground (Rayleigh scattering). Sun rays have to traverse long distances through the dense parts of the atmosphere until they reach the eye of the observer with the sun close to or even below the horizon. The traversed layer of the atmosphere is more than 30 times longer compared to the sun standing directly above the observer.The violets and blues are lost (they make the sky blue to the West of you). The light you see is missing the violets and blues... leaving you with various shades of yellows, reds, aven purples.

Oh and also when sky appears Red good weather usually follows :) - 'Red sky at night, shepherds delight' the setting sun is sending its light through a high concentration of dust particles. This usually indicates high pressure and stable air coming in from the west. Basically good weather will follow.

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