a sort of mysterious dreamy snow type picture thingy


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Aug 31, 2004
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I think it's an old drink fountain. My fingers were numb at this point as just after I took this kids started playing in the snow so I couldn't tkae another. Not even from the other side where it looked like that was the main drinking area.
Nice - I like your centered-up composition here. I can't tell what it is, either - and all that snow makes me cold just looking at it. :shock:

Would have been interesting to see the view from the other side. Next time, chase off those rowdy kidlets. :lol:
Rule of thirds is for whimps.

I'll have to go back in the summer (even though it's ten minutes away by car) and use some of that ISO 50 I have for the Holga.
I also like it a lot, but IMO the title seem a little short

"a sort of mysterious dreamy snow type picture thingy which I took with numb fingers and just before some kids starting playing in front of me stopping me from taking a shot such as this ever again as we hardly ever have snow around here - possibly a drink fountain"

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