"Ah man! I need you to come with your camera!"


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jan 27, 2011
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Nashville, Tn
Can others edit my Photos
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I dunno why I entertained this for as long as I did. :lol:

This is a Facebook conversation I just had with a certifiable, "super fan" of my husband's ex band, who JUST... doesn't get... most of *anything*. :lol:

Crazy Girl: Merry Christmas : ) lol I know I'll be finishing up cookies the next couple days so I thought I'd tell ya a little early

Me: Sounds like fun Merry Christmas to you too

Crazy Girl: Thanks and I'm sorry I didn't get to do that photoshoot keep in touch and who knows maybe we can schedule something sometime just cause ur moving dosnt mean we won't keep in touch or that there isn't still a possibility I can get a photoshoot one day lol

Me: ^_^

Crazy Girl: U coming to crobots show tomorrow at breakers?

Me: nope

Crazy Girl: I need someone with a camera there ugh my camera is broke I wanted a pic
Ok hopefully one of them have one with them
I'm excited lol

Me: Fee's $250 for the night ;)

Crazy Girl: 250? U know I'm spending for 2cds and posters and like 5 shirts I'm gonna resell them to the first four coworkers who want them and just keep one for myself
I'm keeping one of them obviously lol
So yea I cant afford to pay u too since it's going towards all that

Me: You realize that the band's income is seperate from my business?
Also, you realize that I have nothing to do with Crobot anymore right? My husband is no longer in that band... hasn't been for months. XD

Crazy Girl: Yea but u can come for me supporting ur husband on his last show lol I remember meeting him

Me: He's not IN the band. It's not his last show. His last show was in September. XD

Crazy Girl: Yes I know I saw himHis last show was at the casino the last time crobot played there

Me: Maybe, I dunno. I haven't thought about it since September :p Haha

Crazy Girl: LolYea if I remember right lol ask him if his last show was in breakers at the casino ok? If I'm right come to the show tomorrow lol

Me: If I come to the show tomorrow it's gonna be $250.
Wilkes is over an hour and a half from here. And I'm not spending gas to go see a band play covers... and I have weddings and things to edit before Christmas so that takes away from valuable work time.

Crazy Girl: Do I get a crobot fan discount at least? Lol a few dollars off 250? Lol

Me: I have nothing to do with Crobot anymore

Crazy Girl: Yea yea I saw the pics u took of Brandon lol

Me: That I took probably over 6 months ago, haha

Crazy Girl: No way lol nvm then haha​
How many pictures will u take for 250? It better be more than 1 lol I'm not saying yes or no yet

Me: $250 is just my session fee. Product is separate​
[Crazy Girl], you don't want to pay me to come out and take pictures. You're better off buying a new point and shoot​

Crazy Girl: Lol ugh I hate that my camera is broke : (​
I messaged Brandon on here and texted bishop they might b out partying tonight since the show is tomorrow lol
Idk they didn't answer

Me: They're not. I assure you.​
They don't live anywhere close to there

Crazy Girl: Lol idk yea I told both of them my camera is broke and they didn't answer

Me: Sorry

Crazy Girl: If they have a good camera they could even let me take pictures of them performing I could return there camera after the show lol I'm not a professional though so it'll b volunteer work for a cool band if they let me lol

Me: K

Crazy Girl: Grrr lol I hate waiting neither one of them answered yet it's horrible lol

Me: I'm sure they'll be fine without pictures. I've given them enough to last them for a long time, and I know there are other photogs that shoot them now.

Crazy Girl: Yea but idk who they r yea ur right though they will b there to get pictures for free lol idk I hope they r free since I'm purchasing 2 CDs and posters and 5 shirts a few pictures should b free lol

Me: Absolutely because photographers don't have bills to pay and totally get a kickback from merch sales from bands they're not in.

Crazy Girl: Ugh ok I'll have to get more cash from my bank account tomorrow I'll make sure I only take out a little more

--After a period of no response from me--

Crazy Girl: Lol I'm getting a shower going to sleep working taking a nap then it's crobot time lol I'm excited ttyl

I mean, I USUALLY have no idea what this girl is talking about. I never met her before, and she can't seem to comprehend that my husband LEFT that band... and not exactly on happy rainbow and unicorn type terms... but REALLY? :banghead: :biglaugh:
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So you're married eh?

Isn't he sexy? :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
You see guys?

This is how you instigate women to post pictures of themselves...

Take notes...
E.....do you want me to answer that? lol
Crazy Girls sounds like a real flake, or just thick-skulled. Some folks just don't comprehend the written (or spoken) language. I have a relative that's like that:
(Them)"Are you coming for dinner?" (Me)"No, we have things to do." (Them)"OK, we're having meatloaf." (Me)"We can't come tonight, maybe next week."
(Them, an hour later) "So, are you coming or not?"
Crazy Girls sounds like a real flake, or just thick-skulled. Some folks just don't comprehend the written (or spoken) language. I have a relative that's like that:
(Them)"Are you coming for dinner?" (Me)"No, we have things to do." (Them)"OK, we're having meatloaf." (Me)"We can't come tonight, maybe next week."
(Them, an hour later) "So, are you coming or not?"

Yeaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh................ haha.
You two are a cute couple!!!!

I swear, I dated Crazy Girl's mother back in the 1980's...

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