

TPF Noob!
Mar 2, 2008
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Hi there PF people. Folks call me Toaster or Tony - both are my names, one the short form of my middle name, Anthony and the other a gift from drunken friends at a party many years ago.

I currently shoot with a Nikon S10 - a pocket camera, 6 mpx with a 10X lens. I take a lot of photos, I carry my camera everywhere and take photos all day long.

Not surprisingly, a lot of them are crap, but some I really like.

I'm married, have two daughters and a 2 year old grand daughter.

I live outside Philadelphia and work in IT for a medical imaging company.


This is a photo I took with my blackberry (I forgot my camera this glorious day) on a visit to Pacem in Terris in New York State. The home of artist Frederick Franck - this is a cherry tree that is over 300 years old. I just like the way it came out.

This is my favorite self protrait. Playing the Toad the Wet Sprocket song "Something's Always Wrong" on my trust Arbor guitar.

Rather than use a tripod, I set it on top of my wife's drum.

I like the reflection from the plant window.
Hi Tony, welcome aboard.
Hey Tony

Welcome to TPF.

I do logistics planning for medical imaging equipment here in the US (for a German owned company).

Nice photos.

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