Another adorable, sweet newborn


TPF Noob!
Jul 5, 2009
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Fox Cities, WI
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This is my 5th newborn shoot. I notice a lot of timing goes with these shoots! It took two hours before he finally fell asleep, then I was finally able to mold him how I wanted. I am working mainly on composition, lighting, PP. Any feedback is appreciated, thanks!


Sleeping babies are the best kind of babies!

It looks to me like you've got the baby just right, however, the choice of blankets doesn't help the images. If the knitted (crocheted?) blanket is a family heirloom that has special significance you might get away with it but the plain brown blanket as a background just destroys the shots. That's my uneducated, not so expert, instinctive reaction. I suspect it's also throwing the colour balance off a little. Maybe I'm just prejudiced against the colour brown?
I have no experience with newborns, but that is one precious little package.
Looks like the white balance is off a bit in #1. But I really like the composition.
#2 is my favorite.
Cute kid. Natural light is best for newborns. Find a big window and a bounce card.

And I totally agree, but the D80 (at least mine) just doesn't do well with natural light. In the saving process for a new body...

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