Another Barn


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Mar 29, 2016
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Another of the barns from my past that succumbed to effects of weather. I still have the weather vanes from this one hanging on my wall to remind me of it.
Barn 3 Circa 1957.jpg
Another of the barns from my past that succumbed to effects of weather. I still have the weather vanes from this one hanging on my wall to remind me of it.
View attachment 270195
Just think of the story's that old barn could tell if it could talk!
Just think of the story's that old barn could tell if it could talk!
The picture just doesn't do justice to the size of this thing. On the left end to a point just past the 1st window there were three feed storage rooms, and a large tack room. Above them was a small hayloft. From there all the way to right end it was open all the way from the floor to the top of the roof. The lower bays on each side had mangers running the entire length that you could access from the middle. This was built in the day when hay was put up loose. The wagon would pull up under the over hang on the left, large forks on rope and trolley came down, you'd lift a large stack of hay up, run it down the track in the peak of the roof and drop it in that big open section.
Old barns are special.

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