Anyone had their car stolen?

Not Neve

TPF Noob!
Aug 22, 2003
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My car was stolen over night. The police report involves so many questions, as they want to make sure it wasn't reposed, impounded due to illegal parking, that you aren't going through a divorce or separation, that someond didn't borrow it and forget to mention it, and on and on. I need to make so many calls ~ insurance company, car rental.

Has anybody else been through this? How long do they wait to see if it's recovered? Stupid assholes! (the thief, not the police)

edit: it's a silver honda civic if anybody see's it! :p Seriously, though, it's one of the most commonly stolen vehicles. Live and learn!
Honda stolen in Seattle?? Wow, this city has changed. Well, I drobve once from Phoenix to New York and parked my Honda Civic DX on the street, with the glove compartment door wide open and a piece of paper saying that I don't have anything inside the car, yet they broke in twice in a week. But no, I didn't have my car stolen, yet! I hope they never will, after all Phoenix is amongst top cities with car theft in the US.

I am sorry you have to go through this, it really stinks.

I'll be on the look for a silver Honda Civic...
I can definately relate...
In my first year of college, I was in class for an hour. I had symphony practice that evening so I had my violin with me. About 4k worth of fiddle and bow. I went back to my car to grab something after my first class of the day. I walked back and forth a few times wondering if i had somehow missed it the first 3 times. So I check with the campus rent a cops to see if my car was towed... it was gone.. The police found it in the back of some fourplex with 4 different sized tires and stripped. They even took the frickin stickers.
My car was stolen once, and appear 3 days later abandoned in a park, luckly the car was ok, nothing missing. But about broken in, I lost count, so many times, they never take anything cause's there's nothing there to take :p hehehe
About three weeks ago my dad's car desapeared too :shock: 2/3 days after a friend of my dad found the car abandoned near a highway...

I hope your car is found NOT NEVE, best of luck.
Good god - what a bunch of red tape to have to go through!!! No, I've not been through this. I hope it turns up over the weekend, there's a damn good chance it will, tho probably stripped. :x

So sorry - good luck!! :hug:
Voodoo, I know what you mean....wondering if you just misplaced it. I walked out, noticed the car was gone, looked around the parking lot before going in to call the police. Then, I picked up the phone, put it down, decided to go back and double check. I also went through my head to make sure I really parked it there. Anyway, that sucks about all of your equipment. Couldn't really drag it around with you to class.

Like Lula, I don't anything important in the car. It's been broken into three times now (um, 4 with this) and the plates stolen twice. It does have some small stuff in it (my cloth grocery bags, and a few gardening tools for the P-Patch).

Mitica, unfortunately many cars are stolen in Seattle. Especially Honda Civics.

I'll keep you guys posted as this plays out. Thanks for all the kind words.
Man, that's terrible! I can't say I've ever had a car stolen, but my dad had a lot of stuff stolen this week. They recently moved, and he still had most of his woodworking gear out in the work building behind the old house.

Oddly enough, they had also stored my big NordicFlex workout machine there until they finished the space for it in their basement. The crooks took all his saws and other equipment, some toys theey had under the garage that my son played with when he went to visit, even some canned food my mom was storing in the building, but left my Nordicflex!

Still they got away with several $1000's worth of equipment, and yes, dad is having to jump through some hoops for the insurance company, etc.

For some reason, even though he has "off-premises" insurance, they said they didn't know if this was covered, since nobody was living in the old house!

/end ramble

Anyway, hope your car turns up soon, in serviceable (or at least salvageable) condition.
i dont have a car
Sorry to hear about that neve. I hope it was just a joy ride and the car is found without any real damage.
I talked to the insurance company in detail yesterday. She said that if it isn't found within 3 days of theft, it will likely be stripped by the time they find it. She's already talking like I should dig out the title and keys and send 'em on in. They record a 20 minute conversation with tons of questions. Why do they need to know how much I make and how long I've worked there? My car was stolen? What do the two have to do with each other?

I'm now really bummed as the reality of it sets in. I had purchased it brand new. I didn't care that it would depreciate when I drove it off the lot because I planned to take care of it and keep it for many, many years. I've now had it 4 years and it only had 28,000 miles. I'm in one of those "mean people suck" moods and hate that I just can't get ahead. I've been saving for a down-payment so that I could move and now I have to worry about this.

Okay, I'll stop now before I start swearing. If any of you have been thinking about a security system for your car, or using a club, I'd say do it....maybe you can be spared all of this!
They ask you about your job and finances to make sure that you didn't have your car stolen to make the payments go away or to pocket the insurance settlement. Sucks but there is so much fraud out there.
I know what you mean, PhotoGoddess, about so much fraud.

Now an update, the police called me today. They found my car. It is not driveable but he thinks the only damage is to the ignition. It was found about 20 miles from here, near the airport. I really wanted to go check on my car but the impound lot is closed so i just have to wait.

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