Arnold Bay Sunset

Eva D

TPF Noob!
Mar 28, 2011
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I am a beginner photographer and I wanted to get some feedback on this picture. Any comments, or advice will be more than welcome. Thank you!

This is a pretty great picture, I love how the sunset gives a the middle tree its shilouette. I would have enjoyed more of that.
I like how the weight of the picture is just a little off center.
Although I do realize that there are limitations to taking such pictures, the sky is too empty. I would crop it and the left part of the image down a little, as with the cut tree on the right, keeping the off center feel, it works well in this case.
Thank you so much! I spent the weekend at my houseboat trying to get a focused picture of the sunset, which was sort of hard considering the boat continually moves. I will go back and crop the image a little bit.. did you mean crop to cut the tree on the right out or keep it in this case?
Cut some off every side except the bottom, see what you get.
You have some pretty bad banding there around the sun. Sometimes this results from doing heavy manipulations on 8-bit files instead of doing them on the larger raw files or converting the raw files to 16-bit tiff files.
I shoot in Raw and I converted it into jpeg. Besides cut off the edges, what could I have done to make it better?

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