Background Fabric

John Mc

TPF Noob!
Sep 18, 2010
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Sorry if this is in the wrong thread

But ive been looking to get a Plain Black back ground and ive been told that Black Velvet is the stuff to go for, i can get some thats 150cms x however many meters i want for £2.49 a not sure how many meters i'd need/want.

i want to make it a perminant part of my gear,so i dont want too much but i want enough to still do full length portraits. i was thinking about between 2 or 3 meters, any thoughts on this??

2-3 meters is not enough for full body portraits if the subject is going to stand on the fabric.

3 meters would be enough for the back (or vertical) part but you will need at least as much again for the floor so that your subject is not right against the back.

Personally I would find something else for the floor. Velvet is going to get dirty real fast if subjects stand on it and large fabric pieces can be a pain to wash.

Edit = I had not noticed the 1.5 meter width. That is not enough either but you should be able to find it in a wider size. If not you'll need to put several pieces together.
I was thinking about a 3x3 meter, im to too bothered about it getting too filthy,as it would be used mainly indoors, but i might go down to a local fabric store and ask. if it comes to it,i can allways get two 1.5x3 stiched together :)
I did a little think about bigger being better,but i realised if im shooting a full body portrait,its generaly 5ft6/8 women, most of my models are smaller then me,so i think 3m would be fine

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