Before and After(The Guild Fire)


Mental case
Dec 14, 2003
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F@cking Hell
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We lost a part of history near my house over the holidays. Many of you in Toronto, and the ones that have come for meetups, will recognize this place. Over the summer, they have been renovating the Guild Inn Studio, as part of Guild Inn project. They had put on a new roof, and were working on the inside during the fall. From what I have heard, it was to re-open this summer as a pub and a place for the arts.
On Christmas morning, firefighters were called there at 5am, as the studio was up in flames.
This image I shot in the summer after the new roof was put on.


Sadly, this is what is left.​


This is what is left of the staircase leading to the second floor.​


I shot this image a while back of the window.​


This is as of yesterday​


Only the chimney survived.​

Very sad that this piece of Toronto history burned. Your before and after shots really bring home how much damage was done. Hopefully funds can be raised (or maybe insurance proceeds?) to continue with the rebuilding/restoration.

(These pictures really are good, Chiller. Despite the sad scene they depict)
Thank you Jeanney. Last we heard was it all had to come down, and there is no cause. Workers were in there they day before, and from one neighbor I talked to, they were using heaters, and were about to work on the plumbing.
I had to shoot these through the fence they built around it. The area is all closed off, but I got up early New Years day, and made my way in through the trails.

I just wish they did not drag their arses on this project, as it all should have been done by now. :(

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