Beginner interested in different setup.


TPF Noob!
Jul 27, 2015
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Hello all,
I am brand new to this forum, and a beginner in photography. I currently have a Canon 30D with the kit lens that came with it, and a few filters, bag, and tripod. I am very interested in taking nature oriented pictures, some landscape, wildlife and macro photography. I enjoy going outdoors, backpacking, fly fishing and sailing, and would like to take photos while enjoying these activities. My problem is that I tend to leave behind my camera because it's big and heavy, and when I have it slung around my neck, it swings back and forth while hiking. For this reason, I don't enjoy taking photos as much as I wish I could. I am interested in getting a micro four thirds camera and trading in my dslr. I like the idea of having a smaller and lighter camera that is more portable, and more likely to travel with me then my wife's point and shoot when on a long hike. I also like the idea of being able to put a couple different lenses on if I want to go out for a photography focused hike or something. I am a rank beginner, never having taken a course or read a book, but just experimented around and had a few friends show me a thing or two along the way. That said, aside from a camera that would fit the type of photography I'm interested in, I have some ideas of features I would like to enjoy. I would like either a built in flash or hopefully a compact external one. I would like a viewfinder built in preferably. I of course want something light and small, but somewhat durable, as I imagine an occasional accident could arise. On that note, I would like something that is hopefully repairable and I can maybe obtain parts for should I need to in the future. I would like a simple camera in terms of looks and functions, but be able to grow with it. I'm not so interested in doing a whole lot of digital editing, I like the digital aspect for the sake of minimizing space and cost of film; in that regard, I would like to experiment some with the camera itself, and maybe include filters, but I imagine most of these cameras will have the features necessary. Anyway, I've tried reading articles on these cameras and tend to get lost, especially since I don't know enough about photography. I am pretty sure I want to go this route though. Something to mention, I will never want to fully focus on just photography. It's an interest to learn, but it will be a side thing that accompanies the activities I enjoy, and can hopefully capture beautifully on film. I suppose I've rambled enough, and I'll turn it over to you all to dig into me, and hopefully offer some experienced advice! Thank you for your considerations.

My thought is an Olympus OM-D E-M5, it has all you ask for & more. There is a later version, the mark II but @ twice the price & it is not worth the difference for the additional features in my opinion. Being for hiking, the fact it is weather sealed is a bonus. Micro four thirds cameras have the greatest selection of lenses available in mirror-less cameras.
Paragraph is your friend.
Ron, thank you for the recommendation. I really appreciate the mention of weather sealing, which seems to indicate a sense of durability as well, and thanks for the heads up on looking for the original version. May I ask what features indicate that this camera is better for this type of photography, for my own understanding? I noticed that you have many cameras listed under your name, so I'm guessing you've used many, and wonder what made you make this recommendation. Either way, I appreciate it.

I know the post was long, and somewhat run-on, I apologize.
You mentioned fly fishing and sailing. Is exposure to possible water damage going to be a problem or are you the careful sort? How large will your prints be? Do you have a tripod?
Alan, to be honest, I'll likely not ever print out my photos. It's possible, but I'll mostly enjoy them digitally. I do have a tripod, but I was considering trading that in for a more lightweight and compact one. I'm pretty careful, I'll not take the camera out around water as much as land, but I also considered eventually looking for one of those waterproof cases. In either case, I think I would use the camera for fly-fishing more if I could figure out a system for holding it while holding the fish (again with luck) - I'm thinking a strap would help - while sailing would likely see the camera used less so on the water. I'll likely just bring it along for the occasional photos here and there, but mostly when I start camp cruising or tucking into little unexplored bays (in the future). Thanks for the questions by the way, I suppose it brings up the idea that I would like to eventually get a waterproof case.
I would look at a Sport Strap
I'd probably opt for the Sony RX100ii, which is small and is selling for peanuts or a Sony A6000 body with a Sigma 19mm or 30mm prime lens. The 19mm basically gives you the same view as an iPhone, but you'll be shooting with an APS-C sized sensor.

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