Big, big birds


TPF Noob!
May 23, 2007
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Hello All,
I haven't been there since a long time, lack of time :(. I come back with a thread for aircraft fanatics.

It's a story about trucks, made in Germany and sent overseas to Canada.

So, they are transported by Antonov An-124 aircrafts.

It was the biggest aircraft in serial production before A-380, nearly same sized.

needs some... 20 wheels to handle 405 tonnes during take-off.​

And once, one didn't take off, jet engine to be serviced.

Antonov's crew came from Ukraina to replace it on the tarmac.​

But how can you bring such a 'pick-up truck sized' spare part?

When you are Antonov Design Bureau, no problem, it just fits in the glove compartment of the...
An-225 Мрія - Dream in Ukrainian​

which is the biggest aircraft ever built, in term of length and weight (640 tonnes)!!!
It exists only one exemplar, flighting on request for extraordinary transportation. A second one is being built and should be finished in 2008.

It stayed only few hours on the airport, I had only a small Fuji camera, that's why the quality is not there. :( But the day after, it was already gone away. :cry:

Other pictures, bigger size, more details can be found in my Antonov photo galery.
ya... its pretty big i suppose... ;-)
Cool shots

Being in America I do not get to see these big beautiful birds very often.

Of course I did see one flying quite low over my house. There is an Airbase nearby that is also a cargo hub for many freight carriers that has a 12,000ft runway. Turns out a 124 flies in and out of there fairly often. It transports commercial jet engines for a testing facility a couple hours south of where I live.

Anyways, to my point, At one time they had 2 An-124s and the 225 in here at the same time sitting on the ramp. I missed it but ever since then I have kept on my toes about what flies in and out of there.

Sorry if this makes no sense, its 1:17am here

Again though, Cool shots, I like them alot
Thanks for your comments.

Yes, it's pretty big and was impressive. My office is now located at 400m from the track, we have regular pilot trainings here and I hope to catch and share with you some nice touch & go shots.
We will have A380 training, but it's not for the very next weeks...

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