Bored to tears


TPF Noob!
Sep 16, 2005
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I have a job that is very dependent on others. Once I send actions out to other offices, I sit on my bum waiting for the actions to come back.

So, here I am at 10:55 in the morning. I got all I could do today done by around 9:30 (OK, so there are a few things I could do to be proactive...but that seems like so much effort), so now I'm friggin' bored to tears.

I need to be entertained...any suggestions?

I got 3 things going for me at the moment--my moniter faces a wall, so no one can see what the ole Jocose is up to; my boss is away at a doctor's appointment; and the IT boys love me, so it's no biggie!

You should try prank calling other people in the office.

I've done that here with sales people.

"So yeah, what do I have to do to register for this conference Brandon"

"I just need your credit card number and a few details"

"Alright......oh no, I lost my card? I'm gonna have to call you back Brandon"

"Ok sir"

See, I usually spend time surfing the NASA site looking for cool pictures...Don't know that I can help you out much. :D

There is: to pass some time and get some good laughs "sometimes" lol (You'll understand after watching the exorcist)

Or you could send me some cool NASA pictures to save me some time next time I get bored. :biggrin:
"Hello. I just invented a supersafe system to transport Astronauts to the Space Station. Who do I talk to?"

"Hello. I have this rock in my backyard. Umm, well, actually it's a meteorite. I'm sure it came from Mars, cause, it's like red. Anyway, I wanted to know who at NASA I could talk to about aliens, because when I look at the meteorite under my microscope, I can see little creatures moving around on it."

"Yes, good morning. I was wondering who I could talk to about NASA funding my research. I am working with dogs to prove that animals have ESP and are smarter than people."

Folks, I kid you not...these are real calls that I have received in my 3 years at NASA.

bace said:
You should try prank calling other people in the office.

I've done that here with sales people.

"So yeah, what do I have to do to register for this conference Brandon"

"I just need your credit card number and a few details"

"Alright......oh no, I lost my card? I'm gonna have to call you back Brandon"

"Ok sir"

jocose said:
"Hello. I just invented a supersafe system to transport Astronauts to the Space Station. Who do I talk to?"

"Hello. I have this rock in my backyard. Umm, well, actually it's a meteorite. I'm sure it came from Mars, cause, it's like red. Anyway, I wanted to know who at NASA I could talk to about aliens, because when I look at the meteorite under my microscope, I can see little creatures moving around on it."

"Yes, good morning. I was wondering who I could talk to about NASA funding my research. I am working with dogs to prove that animals have ESP and are smarter than people."

Folks, I kid you not...these are real calls that I have received in my 3 years at NASA.


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