Born to Be Wild


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Jul 25, 2014
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NW Florida
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Love the photo and the title. :)

... But I can't help remembering way back when I used to investigate motorcycle accidents and riding in shorts and T shirts with no helmet was common.
Coroners' photos are very graphic.
@Granddad When I was young I had several motorcycles and a few "incidents". When I turned 60 I got on a kick that I wanted another one. Then one day I was first on the scene of a man my age who was involved in an accident on one. He was wearing a helmet, but had on shorts, and a t-shirt. He had skidded about 50 yards down the asphalt. Seeing the extent of the road rash brought back enough unpleasant memories that I no longer wanted another motorcycle.
@smoke665 I too rode a motorbike in shorts and T shirt at one time. I won't describe the accident I investigated that convinced me it wasn't a good idea but a serious road rash was involved for the rider and an 18 wheeler took care of his passenger.
I went off a bicycle doing about 50 down the backside of a road outside Breckenridge and it tore me up from one end to the other...can't image going off a motorcycle.

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