Canon EF 50mm 1.4 USM


TPF Noob!
May 7, 2013
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Just wondering if there's that much of a difference between the Canon 50mm 1.8 and 1.4 lens. I have an old 1.8 mk1 in very good condition, but was offered a 1.4 (minus auto focus) for an extremely attractive price. Will I notice a significant difference if I went with the 1.4?
Looking forward to your thoughts.
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my advice is to go with f/1.4 manual classic glass and adapt it. Way cheaper.

Auto glass fast primes (even a 50mm) has a premium price

EDIT: typo'd - i meant 1.4 not 1.2
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The nifty fifty’s are a good lens. As for your choice do you really need that stop faster? Does your style of photography need that extra low light advantage if it’s just a case of GAS think twice buy once.
I have the 1.8 and use it a lot.. whatever you do have fun
The nifty fifty’s are a good lens. As for your choice do you really need that stop faster? Does your style of photography need that extra low light advantage if it’s just a case of GAS think twice buy once.
I have the 1.8 and use it a lot.. whatever you do have fun
Thank you for your good advice. I plan on using my 1.8 on my EOS 5D.
Realistically, it is unlikely you will find an F1.2(* at a particularly low price). If I understand the situation, you have an F1.8 and you are considering picking up an F1.4? I would say that it is a matter of luck if you find an F1.4 that is actually sharper than your F1.8. Production line variations have always occurred, and Canon's 1.8s were generally quite sharp. So take your time and watch the prices, and if you can, test the lenses before you buy.
2023-23-07: My point about the F1.2 is that you can find used 1.8's and used 1.4's, but used 1.2's are very rare. They cost a lot in the first place, so anyone considering one will not do so frivolously and will not likely re-sell it unless they are getting out of photography completely, or maybe getting out of Canon.
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I used the f1.4 nifty fifty for many years and was happy. Last year I got the f1.2 used and I can see a slight difference. I don't regret getting the f1.2.
I just added a Canon 50mm f/1.4 to my arsenal for my new FF 1D. I just put it to test in my studio and I was impressed with the detail from the lens. Since I never use the 1.4 (or 1.2) apertures, I can't attest to its quality at those levels. In the studio I am shooting from f/5.6 up. For landscape images I am shooting f/11 up so no experience there for me yet either.

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