Card Reader Micromaxx - bought in Germany


TPF Noob!
Dec 14, 2005
Reaction score
Hi Everyone,

I just bought the above card reader for my compact flash card in a cheap supermarket in Germany (Plus), for only about 15.00 Euros.
what i am basically wanting know is whether this was an ok buy, or whether i should bring it back and invest more money in a card reader, I am completly unaware of what is important ... It seems to work fine, but why was it so cheap, might it break down soon or could it ruin my card..?

Any ideas or help is much appreciated! thank you

On the outside it also says: USB 2.0, 16 in 1, card reader and 3 port hub, have looked on google for more info or pictures but have found nothing visual. sorry.
If it works, then use it.

A more expensive one won't really be any better.
oh i forgot to add that i do not see the transfer of images to be much faster than when i simply connect the camera to the computer via USB. isnt that one of the reasons why people use card readers, so that it happens faster...? why could this be??
I think you'll be fine, just never jam your cards in. If it won't fit in gently, then something might break. It's a question of the materials used to guide the media into its respective slot. A better card reader might have metal-enforced guides and casing, yours is probably cheap plastic that might disform over time.

I'm perfectly happy with my cheap card reader.
I also saw those at the Plus but I didnt buy it because i dont need one.We have 2 cheap ones from ebay that work but we dont use them-personally i rather just plug in my usb to my computer.BTW where in germany are you?
The point is not to have faster image transfer per se', but to leave your camera turned off and not waste your batteries while transferring images.
Rima said:
I also saw those at the Plus but I didnt buy it because i dont need one.We have 2 cheap ones from ebay that work but we dont use them-personally i rather just plug in my usb to my computer.BTW where in germany are you?

hiya! been a while, sorry

I am in dortmund studying photography. but i am only on exchange here, actually im studying in nottingham, uk. You?

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