Chocolate Lab


TPF Noob!
Jan 29, 2007
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Venice, Florida
Can others edit my Photos
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I'm trying to figure out how to get a picture of my Lab's face and a minimum of background. Here are a couple of attempts. This just isn't what I am trying for. Suggestions please.


Sorry, I don't have a lot of suggestions. The second shot is better because the eyes are clearer. I'm not sure what the blue thing is to the right of its chin, but it's a bit distracting. That's one cute pooch you've got there!
"Chocolate Lab" ... I read the title and thought: do they create chocolate in labs these days? And if, why would this be in "People and Pets"? Then it dawned upon me that you were probably talking about your Labrador dog which is dark brown?

And yes!
You are! :idea:


As to the photos: I don't care for the crop in Photo 1 at all, with half of his face and half of his tongue cut off. Looks downright wrong to me. Also his eyes look weird there and are out of focus while the nose is in focus as well as that cropped off tongue.

So Photo 2 is a lot better, indeed, only that tiny bit of head cropped off again bugs me, it ought to still be there. The same applies to his lower lip.
His eyes look much better but still are not fully in focus, focus still is on his snout. Try a smaller aperture to get a deeper DOF.

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