Christmas present for Mom

Boz Mon

TPF Noob!
Apr 2, 2008
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My mom wants a photo of my sister and me for christmas. I was thinking that I could do this, but I dont know where to start. I dont have a studio, and I dont have any advanced lighting, only a D40, and an SB-600. Do you guys have any tips for this? Should I even attempt to shoot us, or should I just go to the pros?

I cant really do antyhing outside, seeing as how its like 25 degrees and snowy. I'm kinda at a loss here.
Does your camera have a self timer? If so, place it on a tripod and jump in the shot with your sister using window light and maybe a mirror or a couple of lamps for fill. Don't worry about the different color temps. Sometimes they add to the photos. If you're using digital, take lots of shot because film is cheap.

You can also bounce the SB 600 if it has that feature. Practice, practice, practice, and have fun.
Google something like "window light portraits". You'll find lot's of articles that will help you make very nice portraits.
...or call a couple of photographers. Even though photography is my number 1 hobby, my family and I still do a group shot once a year. you might consider looking at their work, and then calling them. Tell them you love photography, but are new to it... and were wondering if you could do a session, and ask some questions at the same time. You might learn something, you'll definitely get some good shots, and you might even make a new friend.
...or call a couple of photographers. Even though photography is my number 1 hobby, my family and I still do a group shot once a year. you might consider looking at their work, and then calling them. Tell them you love photography, but are new to it... and were wondering if you could do a session, and ask some questions at the same time. You might learn something, you'll definitely get some good shots, and you might even make a new friend.

+1 you'll learn tons(at least I always did) by going to a pro photographer. Do not go to walmart/sears/the picture people and expect to learn anything. Go to a real pro. It won't cost that much and it will be a great learning experience.
A professional may be a little hard to convince, but if you joined a local photography club, I bet you will find MANY people that would love to do a portrait session for just the sake of practice and a lot of them have some excellent equipment and maybe even a studio setup at home!

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