Christmas tree dory - a new one!


hear me roar
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Mar 18, 2013
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Wow! All gorgeous images! I especially like the moon in #1
You are becoming quite accomplished. Great set.
Very nice set. I think the colors in them are great.
Excellent set! I like the mood in the 4th one with the person walking on the bridge and the moon above
Very nice set. I think the colors in them are great.
Thanks. We lucked out with a pretty pastel sky pre-sunrise.
Excellent set! I like the mood in the 4th one with the person walking on the bridge and the moon above
Thank you. The crescent moon lining up with the dory and bridge was an u expected bonus.
Nice set.
Long way from Boston but well worth the trip.
60 miles exactly from my door, almost all of it straight highway, so just a little over an hour to get there. Heading to the southern Maine coast from my house is more convenient than going to many of the more local beaches. Added incentive is my favorite bakery is on the way home!
Fantastic set of images. I am really loving the first one. Beautifully lit.

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