Confrontation in front of the Supreme Court, Washington, DC


Completely Counter-dependent
Supporting Member
Dec 11, 2006
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Mid-Atlantic US
Can others edit my Photos
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By 8:45 it was so crowded, I could hardly get through the people. - and very cold.
80% of my shots had elbows, arms, heads intruding.
Great shot, captures a lot of emotion
Good stuff!

I have the same outfit.
EXCELLENT shot Lew! Very good for a protest shot!
It's a shame that political discussion isn't allowed on a political picture. This thread would easily go 1000 posts lol.
Great shot.
Awesome shot. The shot doesn't need any discussion, it stands just fine by itself. What we read into it depends on where we stand on the issue, and that's part of what makes it truly excellent. Discussing what we're read into it would only be revealing our own stances, and would say nothing about the image.
Awesome shot. The shot doesn't need any discussion, it stands just fine by itself. What we read into it depends on where we stand on the issue, and that's part of what makes it truly excellent. Discussing what we're read into it would only be revealing our own stances, and would say nothing about the image.

Absolutely true.
I think this kind of picture serves a purpose for an individual viewer, in bringing up feelings and letting the individual examine those feelings to understand where his/her own biases,prejudices might affect his/her own judgement.
What a excellent catch. Such emotion. A story in one single picture. Great job, as always.
It's a shame you shot this in black & white. The outfit on the guy wearing sunglasses is FABULOUS!!

Heh. But also a good point to bring up - the black and white is a good part of what makes this such an ideologically neutral photograph. I don't know, but I feel like the photograph would be itself taking more of a stance, and being less of a tabula rasa, were it in color.

This is as aspect of color vs. b&w that has never bubbled up in my conscious mind before. Well, not that I remember. Which ain't sayin much these days.
It's a shame you shot this in black & white. The outfit on the guy wearing sunglasses is FABULOUS!!

Heh. But also a good point to bring up - the black and white is a good part of what makes this such an ideologically neutral photograph. I don't know, but I feel like the photograph would be itself taking more of a stance, and being less of a tabula rasa, were it in color.

This is as aspect of color vs. b&w that has never bubbled up in my conscious mind before. Well, not that I remember. Which ain't sayin much these days.

I don't disagree. Just trying to be funny and get a laugh or two. Maybe a "like"...I'm trying to catch Bitter...:lol:

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