Critique- KU Campus HDR and long exposure


TPF Noob!
Feb 5, 2009
Reaction score
Hey, i tried again.

C&C please?
I think it's a little better in focus, but the colors didn't turn out as nice as last time. I want to do some post editing but i'll work with that later.
The HDR is interesting... i'm not very comfortable with photomatix yet.
Help making the HDR image would be greatly appreciated!! :D



and then this...not original but
i like the campus much better than what my hdr's have come out to be...i think my problem though is not picking a good contrast of lighting...however i think you achieved that here....the keyboard....well sorry i dont like it at all....the white keys are way to bright for me and i get the dof you were going for but dont think you achieved it because you just completely lost the keys would look better to where you could still distinguish between actual lines just blurry
Lawrence, I grew up there. It looks like the shot was taken around W12th and Mississippi. :) I used to have a buddy that rented a room on the second floor of a house over there... many drunken nights.
good call tharmsen, it was taken at the parking garage, so almost exactly 12th and miss. i try to keep my drunken night pictures off of here though.

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