D50 Success, With a Little Help


TPF Noob!
Jul 15, 2008
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Hello everyone,
I've posted this on a couple other sites, so you may have already seen this.

I've been chasing a D50 to work with my existing lenses for the better part of a month. I always seemed to just miss one being available from reputable dealers and thought I would end up taking a chance with one of the other guys.

As a last resort I e-mailed B&H and asked if they could let me know if one became available. Didn't think I'd hear back as how important could someone looking for a used, entry level model be. They did e-mail back though, and held the camera back from posting online until I had a chance to take it.

As a last resort I e-mailed B&H and asked if they could let me know if one became available. Didn't think I'd hear back as how important could someone looking for a used, entry level model be. They did e-mail back though, and held the camera back from posting online until I had a chance to take it. Wow.

Thank you.

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