D90 and rain?


TPF Noob!
Nov 17, 2009
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Tacoma, WA
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Has anyone had any experience with taking their D90 out in the rain? I was supposed to do a shoot tommorrow with a two year old but it's supposed to be raining. I'm hoping though I may be able to dress him up in all his rain gear complete with galoshes and take him dowtown somewhere. If I put a simple grocery bag over the body and lens (want to use my 70-200) will this suffice in keeping my gear safe?

Hopefully someone on here has some real world experience in this :mrgreen:
Yes, many times I've been caught out without rain protection and used a plastic bag, at weddings I used to take an umbrella, handle in jacket pocket and keep its position with the crook of my arm, the odd freckle of rain will do no harm its only when its pissing down you need to worry. H
Just so I'm clear; the plastic bag worked for you when it was pouring rain and when it was just sprinkling a bit you were able to go without a bag?
I was talking to a photographer from Arizona Highways magazine about this the other day. He said he puts a garbage bag over the camera, makes a hole for the lens, puts duct tape around the hole to keep everything in place and puts a skylight filter on the lens to protect it.

I was watching an episode of Storm Chasers, and one guy converted a heavy plastic zippered bag that sheets come in into a waterproof covering for his video camera. I would image that the rigidity of the bag kept it in place, and being clear he could easily make adjustments to the camera.

Have Fun,
That's correct, plastic bag, what we call a carrier bag here, large food bag or any polythene bag will do the trick. H
I use a plastic bag from Target or walmart and the use on of my daughters hair tie thingy's to keep it on the lens. The hair tie fits in the groove where, the hood would go.
Great ideas so far, now I need to carry plastic bags in my camera bag :)

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