Days with my Father


hmm I recognise this place! And some of you!
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May 1, 2008
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*Not my Work*

Found this through another site and thought I would repost here to share - personally I found this moving, powerful and hitting a little close to home for me (2 grandparents - now passed on - who suffered for years with Alzheimer's and another now going through it as well).
And yet even with the moody shots and descriptions there is a sense of both joy and pride carried in this.
Well worth viewing the whole series of images in the story.
I'm very blessed that at my age, I still have my parents. I enjoy them both every chance I get.
Wow ... quite the poignant set of images ...
My father is going through this now... my Mom passed away earlier this year.
(tear on my keyboard...)
Thanks for sharing this.
THE WORK IS BY PHILP TOLEDANO!!!!!!!!! Why wold you say something so lame as "Not my work"????????!!!!!!! And then give no reference to the artist?

At any rate. I went into the first couple of images thinking "Ok.. here we go with another tear jerker on Alzheimers" After viewing the images and reading the text I came away with a strong sense of knowing Toledano's father and his relationship with him. To me the work is about relationships and emotion. Thanks for the link.

Love & Bass
Thank you for sharing that with us. The images are worth more than words can say. I can't handle death. When my grandfather past I couldn't cope. My father never shed a tear. Maybe he did but never in front of me. I love the empty chair image... His imprint will always remain. Great shots.
THE WORK IS BY PHILP TOLEDANO!!!!!!!!! Why wold you say something so lame as "Not my work"????????!!!!!!! And then give no reference to the artist?

Easy Craig, he did the polite thing and right off say it was not his work, that to me was the important part. We all saw who's it was once we visited the site, it was certainly poignant enough that I wanted to know and it was easy to find. :)
Very powerful. Thanks for sharing.
I have to disagree. Toledano worked hard on these photos. I think his name should have been mentioned from the start.


It is now mentioned twice (three if you include this quote), let's not make a mountain out of a mole hill. I am sure that if you asked him, he would say that he did not do the pictures just so that his name would be mentioned, he did it out of love... no one was hurt.
Great series of pictures and text that conveyed some strong emotions.
Today I am going to a strobist meet here in Montreal. In celebration of my father being in relatively good condition and in appreciation of me being able to do it... my father and I are going together to this meet. He's bringing his Nikon F2a and a couple rolls of film.

It is not often that dad and I do a little bonding, we are overdue. :)

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