Deep Red


A naughty little bunny...
Nov 28, 2011
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We drove up to the cottage yesterday and I got to shoot all of the delicious colours out there right now :) While I had great hope for many only a few made the cut, this one I love the deep colours. Would love to hear your thoughts, thanks for taking a look!

IMG_7688-1 by Judi Smelko, on Flickr
I like the leaves with color. The brownish swipes hurt the image.
I find the whitish vertical lines (trees) in the center foreground distracting because I feel like I'm trying to look thru or around them, so for me the balance isn't quite there in this composition.
I like the concept and it is pretty, could even be used to complement décor furnishing. One thing is the large area between the two main elements on both sides causes my eyes to keep bouncing back and forth. Nice shot and idea.
It works for me. I wouldn't change anything. I think those light bands in the middle kind of hold it together.
Thanks so much for your thoughts all! Funny, those centre branches didn't bother me until you guys talked about them ;). I may revisit and try to tone them down a bit.
I like the concept and it is pretty, could even be used to complement décor furnishing. One thing is the large area between the two main elements on both sides causes my eyes to keep bouncing back and forth. Nice shot and idea.
I find the same thing, I like both sides but the middle doesn't do it for me. I keep looking around it.

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