Dektol suspension instead of solution


Between darkrooms
Mar 20, 2005
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Okay, when I mix Dektol, the crystals (or at least some of them) remain suspended in the solution, and it usually takes a couple of days for them to fully dissolve.

How can I get the solution dissolved quicker, and does the fact that the crystals aren't full dissolved substantially affect development?

It's crunch time...
It says mix at 100 deg F, and I was running about 110. This is pretty typical, although I've tried higher and lower temperatures before. The density of crystals which remain undissolved isn't particularly large, particularly when diluted 1:4, but then again...

Anyway, I'll just have to try it.
Do you have hard water?... use a softener? That may be your problem and if you say yes to either of these questions, use bottled water and see if your problem goes away.

Oh if you filter it, you will change the chemistry of the developer since you are romoving undisolved chemicals that should be part of the formula.
You can use warmer water to mix the developer, just let it cool down before using it. Good luck!

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