Does anyone Know of a Customer Friendly Software for the Event Photographer


TPF Noob!
Jan 11, 2010
Reaction score
Dyersburg, TN
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I'm looking for a software that doesn't rely on the internet to work for the event photographer on location. I know that there are photographers, somewhere, that has a program that will allow the customer to view their photos, mark the ones they want and checkout. PLEASE
I need help.

I know a software that would probably work great for this....I just can't think of the name of it. :scratch:

I've seen it used at a couple seminars I've attended....

I have to leave work now, but when I think of it, I'll post it up.
Don't mean this in a flip way so please don't take it this way but your question reminds of NASA spending millions developing an ink pen to send into space while the Russians sent their people up with pencils...

Any software that you use to view your work will do the job. All you have to do is be there to take the order. Or have an assistant do the order taking. Two reasons I'm thinking this way. 1/ I'm not sure I would want customers messing with one of my computers and getting a POS (point of sale) type system might get expensive and, 2/ helping clients through the ordering process is one way to influence the sale in your favor.
...Two reasons I'm thinking this way. 1/ I'm not sure I would want customers messing with one of my computers and getting a POS (point of sale) type system might get expensive and, 2/ helping clients through the ordering process is one way to influence the sale in your favor.

Reason #1 is surmountable with careful design.

Reason #2 is a major point. The success of your operation is as reliant, if not more reliant, on your sales presentation than it is on your photographic skill.
Express Digital Darkroom is a great in program to work with and display photos with customers. It allows you to run through and select pictures with a single click and is very easy to use. I use it for events where I need to move quickly. It does offer a number of enhancements though not as much as photoshop. You can do everything you would need to. I would use that for what you need. I even let guests use it. It is that simple.

Another thing that is great is that it you can have it automatically log and create a folder for each selection very simply. It does allow you to set up pricing and everything in the software as well.
Maybe I'm missing something in your question so excuse me if I'm providing information you're not really looking for....

If you want to show images to a client "after" they've been processed then throw them in iPhoto (if you're a Mac user). For that matter even if they've not yet been processed iPhoto would work. It's very fast, and user friendly. You can group photos into events, final selects, etc.

If you're not a Mac user I would think there's PC solutions as well.

To anyone considering negatively commenting on iPhoto, please don't bother. I would never use it to edit, or really in any part of my normal workflow, but it's great for "browsing" through libraries.

Just a Thought
We process are event photos with Picasa3 very quick and easy then straight to a Sony dye sub 20 seconds later you have money in the till

5 Minute photo, resizes and sends to 3 touch screens

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