Does your camera follow you everywhere you go?

A hint from a lawyer-BEWARE BEWARE_ Stick a point and shoot or a disposable camers in your glove compartment. You may never use it, but one day you will have a finder bender and pictures are great for insurance purposes. You may be the first one on the scene and can sell a roll to the news. Use it to scout locations to come back to later. You might even catch the shot of a lifetime. If you never use it, you are not out but $10.00. I tend to like the throw away film cameras because you do not have to worry about batteries.
Just an idea.
Judge Sharpe
Nope, because I love driving home from somewhere and see something and think, "That would make a great photo..." and think I'll take the camera next time.

Next time comes around and I pass the same place and think, "Gotta make sure I have the camera next time...."

Third time, "Grrrr, wish I would remember the camera...."

Fourth time, fifth time, sixth, seventh..........

Sounds like my story...
Most of the time I do take it with me and 2 times out of 10 I'll actually find something that catches my eye enough to take a picture of. But 10 times out of 10, when I don't have my camera with me, I find that shot where i wish I had my camera with me lol

I am the same way. I bought a lowepro backpack bag now I can take my camera on my motorcycle with me... I think of it as my "purse for guys" it never leaves my side anymore
When I drive my Camera Backpack is usually belted in the Passenger seat and if my wife is with me it is belted on the middle rear seat of my truck. When I walk or use the Subway it is with me then too. I have done the "I should have brought my camera" moments enough times now it is almost joined to me. When walking or using the Subway I need to pair down what I tote around, the backpack seems to get heavy after a while and I really don't need as many lenses as I seem to think I need with me. Just seems when I don't bring a particular lens with me it is the one I wish I would have brought.
too big to carry around.. i do have thoughts of good picture taking opportunity unfortunately left my camera at home.. but when i wasn't with the camera, hrmm.. which i had a camera though.. lol.
I don't take my camera with me "Everywhere". But close to that. If something may be going on where I'm going to be I will usually take it. But I don't just take it to the store with me or something.
i hardly even walk around with my camera for no reason, i usually take my camera out if i KNOW im going somewhere to take photos....and yes, it always happens, i wish i had my camera with me when i don't..

the worst is this, dunno if it happens to anyone else, there's this road nearby that i have been through a million times and whilst in bed one night i was picturing the road in my head and thinking, wow great shot, got there and it was completely different to what i thought haha

sorry for the unescessary story, just found it funny and slightly related to this..

should take my camera out more often...dont want it to get hurt though :( haha
My point and shoot stays in my purse which is with me 24/7.

I shoot childrens candid's so I pretty much KNOW when I'll need to be bringing my slr. Playdates, the park, friends houses or a paid shoot of course.. always comes with me. Other than that, no. If I'm going grocery shopping, no. If I"m going to walmart, no.

I'm not a nature or spontaneus shooter so those kinds of things aren't important to me.

If for some random reason that I see something that i NEED to photography, I of course will have my p&s to pull out of my purse. Which conveniantly is also a camcorder so I'm always prepared :D
Just wondering how many of you carry your camera everywhere you go? I sometimes do and look around but i don't find anything to shoot.

Carry mine with me absolutely everywhere, without fail, no matter how short the journey or purpose of my going out - you just never know what might happen next, so my view is, it's always good to have the camera on oneself, with spare memory cards and at least one set of fully charged up batteries.
Why you should take your camera everywhere with you:

I was on a trip for work, drove 8 hours down I-80 across PA, OH, and IN. I had my camera with me (my old 2 mp snapshooter). On the way home, the cars ahead were moving over into the far left lane and slowing way down. Up ahead and around a bend I could see why. On the side of the road was a pickup truck pulling a camper and both were blazing away in an inferno.

I had my camera, but it was deeply packed in a bag in the trunk. Had I had it sitting on the seat next to me or within easy reach, I probably would have stopped to grab some shots. But with how deeply buried it was in my luggage, I couldn't be bothered.
My D80 is with me all the time and everywhere. My D300 I use mostly on week-ends and, days I dont have to work. Either way I always have a camera.
Any random day I'll have my P&S with me. Or in the crummy parts of town I wouldn't like to get beat up for my DSLR, lol.

I take the DSLR when I plan on going somewhere just to shoot, with tripod ready.

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