Dreams washed around


TPF Noob!
Jan 30, 2008
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Not bad, but I had to spend a good few seconds working out what it is, looks a little soft to me.
I cannot figure out what the heck this is, no matter how hard I try. I have no clue what to make of it. Looks like something you would find on the sci-fi channel; a photo taken on Mars or something.
Whilst I agree that overall the image is slightly confusing, from the title and the small shells on the rock, I would say that it's a rock on a beach that due to the waning tide has an interesting mote thingy around it.

Though, for some reason I feel like i'm stating the obvious.

I think this picture would be better suited to colour.
I think the idea is awesome. I really like the idea of the picture. I think I agree with TBAM, probably better in color. And I think maybe a different angle on the shot, instead of straight down. Unless you were purposely doing this to make it more abstract.
I think the idea is awesome. I really like the idea of the picture. I think I agree with TBAM, probably better in color. And I think maybe a different angle on the shot, instead of straight down. Unless you were purposely doing this to make it more abstract.
ya the abstrat look was what I was going for
So what is it??????????Its intersting for sure.......
I couldn't figure out what it was until I read the posts... now it's fairly clear though.
My only other thought is that my eye went straight to the bright part on the rock, which is pretty much in the center of the frame. I'd just avoid putting whatever catches your eye first in the center (keep the rule of thirds in mind.)

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